Let's Play Gaming Videos now on Youtube!
The Anointed: DSK is Free to Play!
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Youth Ministry Resources

The Anointed: It’s More Than A Game

Intelligent Media and Design (IMD) has beefed up its free lesson plans for youth ministries. Are you a youth pastor or a parent looking for innovative methods to engage students into God’s Word? IMD now offers additional youth leader study guides and student handouts for its partial release, The Anointed.

Want to lead a gaming small group? We offer five lessons as an additional resource to complement our unlocked Training, Shepherd’s Field, and David Saves Keilah (DSK) levels. The materials located on our Church Resources page each provide a unique lesson of our hero, David, to teach students the attributes of the one who “sought after God’s own heart.”

Reference scripture in handouts as you play the game to see how the Bible lives in The Anointed. Learn how David approached training, patience, leadership, prayer and hardships.

Don’t have have a PC readily available, but still want to offer a visual approach to enhance learning? Our Church Resources page also features gameplay walkthrough videos of The Anointed.

Forward this to your local church or contact us through the website for more info!

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